Thanking Customers – Is It Noticed?

Thanking Customers Will Help Grow Your Business

As your business grows, be diligent about thanking customers.  Often owners have the tendency to forget the most fundamental part of their company — the customers. The risk with this is that the business can become just another faceless unit that the customer deals with. Bear in mind that obtaining new clients is tough now. It’s even tougher if people just buy from you when they just happen to be in the neighborhood. This is why people who have been around a while in the business industry will tell you that it is better to invest resources toward developing loyal, regular, repeat consumers, than to spend large amounts of revenue trying to attract new consumers.

thanking customers by phoneTo really hang on to your consumers, you need to invest a day or two monthly making courtesy calls and thanking your existing customers. If you actually don’t have any genuine business to do on the phone with your clients just a friendly hi how are you, how was your last experience in the store will suffice. Your customers will be pleased that you took the time to acknowledge them while they were outside of your business environment.

Thanking your clients is often a disregarded gesture yet a very effective sales tool. There are a number of instances wherein a basic thank you to your customers will be quite valued.


The How and When of Thanking Customers


Initially, when they purchase, thanking customers right at the point of sale is very well received.  When was the last time a shop clerk actually thanked you for purchasing from their store? Do you keep in mind the last time a seller thanked you for shopping at their shop? This easy thank you could mean a great deal to the clients.

Second, when they call you relating to an issue or a service concern, some business don’t respond very well. They think, “Why should we thank a customer for grumbling?”  What they do not recognize is that when people reveal the issue they had dealing with your business, they are providing you a chance to redeem and enhance your company or brand.

thanking customers by mailThird, acknowledge them when they refer other potential customers to your business. Some companies generate the majority of their consumers through recommendations. If you constantly overlook thanking the individual who has been referring you to others, eventually they may very well stop sending prospective clients to you. This could potentially be a big loss for your business.

Fourth, devoted, regular clients also should have a thank you. Sending a routine thank you card or note will be enough for most folks.  It certainly doesn’t hurt to occasionally include a percentage off or a small free item as well.

Options Abound – Stand Out

There are numerous ways to say thank you. You can send out an email, write a note or card or perhaps thank them personally. An inexpensive card with handwritten comments can assist you in standing apart from your competition. You might even sponsor an event as a way of thanking customers.  Keep in mind that globalization and the web means your customers can pick from thousands of shops at the touch of a button. Thus, remaining ahead of all possible competitors in the customer’s mind is very important. Yes, developing a thank you card program can take some time. However, the benefits of doing so are definitely worth it.



Originally Published Here: Thanking Customers – Is It Noticed?

Successful Event Marketing Tips

Keys To Successful Event Marketing

successful event marketing - get the word outWhen it comes to successful event marketing  you have a ton of stuff to think about. You have to consider your target audience. Who are the people you want to see at the event, and how the event is going to be marketed to the public? You must be certain your target audience will be reached by the marketing you put in place.  When it comes to marketing costs, if yours is a benefit event, bear in mind there may be some avenues of free advertising available to you. You of course want as many people to attend as possible.  That is why you need to evaluate your marketing strategy from as many possible existing points of view and social groupings in the target community as possible.

The biggest deal when it comes to marketing an event successfully, is to get the word out. Start by posting flyers, hustling some radio coverage and doing things to generate word of mouth. Whether people love or hate your advertising campaign, if you can get them talking about it, your ad is working for you. Much of the time, a press release in the local paper, along with some flyers and a few radio spots will get the job done. You can get most of the publicity free if the event is for a non-profit organization.

The Growing Role Of Social Media in Successful Event Marketing

Social media has become mega important to the success of any type of marketing and successful event marketing is no different.  These tips were offered in a recent  Search Engine Journal post focusing on for-profit business events:

Utilize all your social media channels. Your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest followers ‘follow’ you for a reason. The good thing about these social media channels is they followed you voluntarily (just like your email list). so take advantage of that. Communicate with them, and let them know that you want them to be a part of what you are currently doing.


Another important factor in successful event marketing is getting the right people involved. If you can get a local celebrity to help back the benefit or show up at the event, then you are more likely to get a good turn out. See if you can arrange to have an athlete that plays for a local major league team, a political figure, a local television celebrity, or anyone who has a strong following in the community

Event Marketing Cost Sharing

If you are not a non-profit and are in the position of having to foot the bill for your event promotion, consider partnering with another entity  to help sponsor the event.  The same article from the Search Engine Journal offered this:

Be on the look out for possible event sponsors to cut costs and to widen your network reach. If a well-known, reputable brand wants to partner with you, explore that partnership because it may infuse a considerable amount of money to your budget. Also, have them promote the event to their own target audience, utilizing their own networks. That comes in with the partnership deal, so you win free event promotions as well.


You don’t want to lose control of your event of course but if you partner carefully it can certainly be a boon to your event.

You want to market your event to make it look like an exciting party. If a TV commercial is in your budget explain what your event is all about and what the event’s goal is. If you have some good footage of a previous year’s event showing people having a good time at the event use it in your ad.  People will always spend money to have a good time so the more attractive your event promotions look the better the turnout you will have.

As always, don’t forget to use a pattern interrupt to get their attention to start with!

Originally Published Here: Successful Event Marketing Tips

Marketing Lawyers + Attorneys That Rock

Marketing Lawyers Update:

Who says marketing lawyers has to be boring?

OK, there are a LOT of constraints put on the marketing lawyers can do, levied by the various bar associations.  Some states are more restrictive than others.  There are however many ways to break the mold and stand out even in the high traffic market of legal services.  Take for instance the case of Austin, Texas attorney David Komie;

marketing lawyers

Austin attorney David Komie is using his head to help preserve Austin’s eccentric and colorful image.
When I say using his head, I mean that literally. Komie is the only attorney I’ve ever heard of who wears dreadlocks. In fact, he’s the only attorney he knows who wears dreadlocks.

He has a band called the Dharma Kings. He’s the singer.

“I’m David Komie,” Komie tells the crowd in his video. “If you want an attorney that rocks, call me.”

Komie, who is in his 50s, says he’s been wearing dreads about half of his adult life. There have been times when he’s had to ditch the look, like when he was working in Atlanta representing insurance companies, or what he refers to now as “the dark side.” Insurance companies won’t hire an attorney in dreads, he says. But he’s got them now, and he’s keeping them.


Image Via

Marketing Lawyers Creatively

Ann Handley from MarketingProfs recommended at the Avvo Lawyernomics conference, that attorneys step out of the shadows by getting more creative with their marketing content;

… she encouraged lawyers to be “bigger, braver and bolder” when creating content for marketing purposes.

“The biggest missed opportunity in marketing is playing it too safe,” Handley said. “That’s true even if you’re a lawyer.”

In fact, as Handley noted in a follow-up interview, lawyers can still be big, brave and bold in spite of restrictive ethical rules regarding attorney marketing. “Bolder doesn’t mean edgy or being way at the edge of risk,” Handley said. “Bolder means differentiating yourself through your marketing and how you sound to the folks you’re trying to attract.”


Silence Is Golden

The whole “bigger, braver and bolder” theme does not necessarily mean louder and more obnoxious as some legal marketers seem to think. Some ads are appearing that seem like political attack ads attempting to smear the competition’s reputation in the local marketplace.  I’m not a fan of attack campaigns anyway but I would be especially wary of an attack campaign now with this being an election year.  People get real fed up with attack ads in general and there could be some serious backlash from running any negative ads now.

Sometimes the way to stand out is to just be different.  Instead of trying to out shout the competition, you need that golden pattern interrupt that gets people’s attention and generates word of mouth advertising in the community.  I think my favorite from the recent crop of ads I have seen marketing lawyers, is from  the personal injury firm Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley in West Palm Beach, Florida.  Donna Lane who has been involved in legal marketing for the firm since 2007 shares;

“The law-firm category here is just so cluttered,” she says. “They’re all saying the same thing.” Lane, trying to stand out, recently helped produce an ad that takes a different tack. No voices, just words flashing across the screen: “We get it. There are a lot of lawyer ads on TV. Seems all you hear are lawyers talking. So this 30 seconds of silence is brought to you by Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley.”


Lawyers being quiet on TV.  That’s different enough to get talked about positively in the community and, after all, isn’t that what marketing lawyers is all about?


See More Here: Marketing Lawyers + Attorneys That Rock

Legal Marketing Hoo-Ha

Legal Marketing Is Awesome

I love the legal marketing business.  The folks over at the 3 Geeks Law Blog nailed it with this analogy:

legal marketing growth and diversity– think of legal marketers as you would your gardener. You want them to show up consistently, do a good job, cut the lawn, trim the hedges, maybe plant a new flower or two and when the summer rolls around, help you with a vegetable garden. Their job is to alleviate your burden of work, particularly if you know nothing about gardening and you entrust to them the curb appeal of your house and entrance way or the calm composure of your backyard. You are happy to pay them a nice wage, market value or above for the work they do. You want your gardener to be happy so he or she keeps coming back consistently and you don’t have to retrain a new gardener on what color mulch you prefer or which flowers make you sneeze. But you also don’t want them to complain to you about their career satisfaction or growth in the industry. Those topics make you tune out mostly because if you wanted to talk about the trials and tribulations of gardening you likely would have been a gardener.


Although that piece is written more from the large law firm with its own marketing department point of view, it is still very relevant in the freelance market as well.  The law firm doesn’t care what changes Google made or what hoops you had to jump through to get a particular marketing piece in place.  Just make the phones ring.  Keep a low profile, make the phones ring with qualified clients, and send me the bill.  That works for me.  I love making things happen away from the spotlight.

One of the first key improvements a firm can make to get the best “bang for the buck” in their marketing efforts  is to make certain the user experience on the firm’s web site is a positive experience.

When asked about what he considered to be among the most important factors of online legal marketing, Chris Dreyer, the founder and president of Attorney Rankings, a very successful law firm marketing agency said;

If I had to choose one area that lawyers should focus on to elevate their overall marketing efforts it would be to focus heavily on the user experience.  UX has an impact on so many levels from SEO to how attorneys are perceived in the online and offline space.

He elaborated further by saying,

UX is more than just having a website that is well organized.  It means creating an experience for visitors that leaves no doubt in their mind that the lawyer’s site they’ve come to is a leading source of information on the particular practice area they are interested in.  It’s about having resources, tools,  content, and useful information that is easy to find and that is practical, applicable and relevant to the pain a visitor may be feeling.


As with any business these days just having a generic web site is not enough to keep an internet shopper’s interest.  If you want to get the call from that potential client browsing your site, you need all of the things Chris mentioned, presented in a smooth pleasing format.  Competition is fierce!  Law firms of all sizes need to take advantage of any competitive edge that they can leverage and work toward a well rounded web presence not just a web site.



Article Source Here: Legal Marketing Hoo-Ha

Pattern Interrupt vs Smelly Kelly

Application of a Pattern Interrupt – Country Style


I had opportunity to employ the pattern interrupt concept outside of a marketing environment and I must say it was a smashing success!

A Pattern interrupt is a technique to change a particular thought, behavior or situation. Behavioral psychology and neuro linguistic programming use this technique to interrupt and change thought patterns and behaviors.


CanCloseUpPattern interrupts apply to many things in life beyond marketing as demonstrated in the above Huffington Post piece.  However, my opportunity to apply the concept was a last ditch effort to get my  twice a week garbage pick up actually picked up on Tuesdays.  Apparently, my local garbage service, “Smelly Kelly’s”, has different drivers on the route past my place during the week.  Driver “A” does Tuesdays and Driver “B” does Fridays.  The Friday guy always took the garbage.  The Tuesday guy…. not so much.

Let me explain a little more for those that don’t know me.  I live in the country.  We still burn our paper trash and compost our veggie stuff.  What makes it to the curb for trash collection is non-burnables and things that have to do with meat packaging that we don’t want stinkin’ up the burnables before they are burned.

There are also no leash laws out here and if anyone has a fence it’s usually  barbed wire or something similar geared toward horses and cattle rather than dogs.  In an effort to keep the garbage in the can until “Smelly Kelly” arrives, we usually freeze any empty meat trays and wrappers until trash day to hold down the aroma that lures the neighbor dogs thus keeping the can upright and the stuff inside until it’s collected.

When “Tuesday Guy” drove right on past and left the trash in the can , it was party time for the neighbor dogs.  I was picking up garbage from my driveway, strung out up the road to the neighbors place every week.  I had complained to the company to no avail.  Tuesday Guy would remember the week he got hollered at, and pass me up from then on.

One day I was thinking about how we get blind to certain types of advertising.  I thought about how I always plan a pattern interrupt in videos to get people to pay attention for a few seconds.  Then it hit me.  I’m pretty sure that trash collection is not the most scintillating occupation in the world.  I have a lot of big trees on my corner that makes it shady and darkish even in the afternoon,  My trashcan was a generic dark green plastic thing that probably blended in to the trees and brush, so if Tuesday Guy was thinking about anything else as he drove by, it did not demand his attention.  Like a generic advertisement it never registered as something he needed to take action on.CanAtRoad

The next time I went to town I picked up a big can of the brightest, most obnoxious, florescent fuchsia spray paint I could find.  Applying it to the dark green trashcan took some of the punch out of the color but it is still quite a standout among the bushes and vines at the roadside.  It is a visual pattern interrupt, and it works.  After months of frustration, without saying a word to anyone, my trash has been picked up faithfully every Tuesday since I painted the can 6 weeks ago.  That is effective advertising at its attention getting best.

We are all pounded with so much media input in our daily lives now that we have ceased to see a lot of what is right in front of us.  Run of the mill advertising is like the green trashcan, invisible.  In our various advertising and media campaigns we need to consistently find or create the fuchsia trashcan effect to stand out and get noticed by our target consumers.

Article Source Here: Pattern Interrupt vs Smelly Kelly

Why Would You Use a Call Tracking Service?

Curious About Call Tracking Services?

Using a call tracking service can do many things for your business. Have you ever wondered how your employees treat your phone customers when you are not there? Perhaps you have wanted to track your advertising campaigns to see where you are getting the most bang for the buck. How about having the ability to send a text message to the phones of existing customers with a “right now” or “for the next 2 hours” special to pick up a slow day?


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Settle Disputes

Most call tracking services record all calls and can be invaluable in settling disputes about what took place during a phone call. They generally also record all the call data so if you need to reconnect with a customer their caller ID info is there with the recorded call. No more finger pointing by your employees. You will know exactly what was said. This feature is great for training purposes as well as for monitoring new employees.

SMS Broadcasts

A full featured call tracking service also provides the ability to broadcast SMS text messages to your customer’s cell phones. Customers can opt in to the inner circle specials by texting a code word to a designated number. This gives you the ability to send unadvertised specials instantly to your inner circle of loyal customers. Sending text allows you to re-target customers that already know & like you with loyalty building deals. This tactic improves your bottom line because it is far easier to get a satisfied customer to return than it is to get a brand new one in the door.

Optimize Your Ad Spending

Do you want to see which advertising campaign is producing the best results? Assign a different phone number to each campaign. (One for newspaper, another for radio, and a third for direct mail for instance). Have respondents call in to receive whatever special you have set up. All the calls can be routed to one number for redemption of the special but each will be silently tracked and counted separately in the tracking service’s system.

Have questions? Contact us at Thunderweasel Digital Marketing for info on SMS advertising and ad tracking.

Posted Originally Here:

Simple Ways to Implement SEO Best Practices

Reblogged from:   Simple Ways to Implement SEO Best Practices

You’ve probably heard of the importance of SEO, but like many business owners, you may have difficulty actually putting your own SEO strategy together. Though some aspects of search engine optimization can be rather tricky, there are a few simple things you can do to follow good SEO practices.

Incorporate Social Media

No one knows the algorithms for any search engine, but it’s easy to surmise that social media likely has an indirect role in search visibility. It just makes sense: the more your content is shared or the more users interact with your content, brand, or website, the higher your SEO ranking tends to be. As it stands, social media does show up prominently in Google search results, including Twitter posts and Pinterest links.

If you don’t want to go all in, put up a profile on the major social media networks, and start posting regularly, the least you should do is enable social sharing on your website. When browsers see useful content, they’re bound to share it one way or another — don’t miss the chance to benefit from this exposure by neglecting to incorporate share buttons into your website or blog.

Provide Specialized Content

General content used to suffice when it came to getting decent SEO rankings, but the Internet is over-saturated with this type of information. In order to grab the attention of browsers and rank higher, aim to develop specialized, niche content and topics. The more specific and unique your content, the more likely it is to improve your search visibility. Also, remember that more isn’t necessarily better. Focus on quality, relevance, and usefulness instead of harping on word count.

Capitalize on Local Searches

If you have a business that serves a particular area, make sure you emphasize your location on your website and in your content. Keywords optimized for location are good for businesses to use, even if you only have a social media profile rather than a full-fledged site. Reviews also boost SEO ranking, especially if the review is on a site such as Facebook or Yelp. Businesses without a brick and mortar location or that have customers spread over a wide geographic area can still capitalize on local search. Put information on your site about where you’re based, and create content that specifically applies to the various regions you serve.

Be Mindful About Security

Protecting customer payment and personal information is more important than ever, and search engines will penalize sites that are deemed to be “unsafe”. If you collect payments or sensitive information from your customers online, make sure to use security certificates. Having https URLs instead of http is also a good step towards making your website more secure and improving your search ranking.